Getting the most out of Fleetdynamics

Getting the most out of Fleetdynamics

Guided journeys, support videos and resources to help you become proficient in using the Fleedynamics Portal.

Responsible Russell Bairstow
Last Update 02/07/2021
Completion Time 19 minutes
Members 1
Finding locations and nearest vehicles

Access a vehicles’ location to a particular point.
- Find the closest vehicle to a specific location
- View and interpret vehicle location information
- View and interpret map directions

Detailed Map Tools
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Finding locations and nearest vehicles

Access a vehicles’ location to a particular point.
- Find the closest vehicle to a specific location
- View and interpret vehicle location information
- View and interpret map directions

Polygon geofences overview

A geofence (also known as a digital boundary) will allow you to see everything that enters or leaves the area.
- Create a new geofence
- View and interpret geofence information
- Trigger alerts when a vehicle enters or leaves a geofence zone

Filtering and finding vehicles

Locate a vehicle, vehicle information and trip data.
- Display or hide vehicles on the map
- Search for a vehicle and access vehicle information

Creating and editing a Point of Interest (POI)

A Point of Interest (POI) is used to identify locations frequently visited by your business or organisation.
- Create a new point of interest
- Edit an existing point of interest
- Display or hide a point of interest
- View and interpret a point of interest